Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Exercise will make you happier

Regular exercise is something that essentially everyone knows is good for them. We all know that it will help you control weight, help you stay healthy, sleep better, decrease stress and even make your sex life better. One major side effect of regular exercise is you will look better and in turn that will give you more confidence.

But did you know... exercise will effect you mood? When exercise regularly that is 3 or 4 times a week endorphins and serotonin will be released into your brain. The endorphins help to decrease stress, diminish pain and can give you a euphoric feeling, making you happier. Then there is also serotonin, which is a natural mood enhancer. When serotonin increases symptoms of depression decrease. It is like a happy drug.

So these chemicals you release when exercising into your brain will promote a number of positive emotional effects. These effects include improved self-esteem, enhanced mood, better memory and mental functioning, and decreased stress.

Help keep yourself positive and happy by exercising regularly. Now I have to hit the treadmill. Have a great day!

Giving – one of the secrets to happiness

Ok so I have not been that good about this recently and my apologies to anyone that actually reads this. I promise I will be letting my vibe flow here at least once a week moving forward as I feel positivity needs to be pushed and spread to everyone.

With this in mind one of the secrets to true happiness is giving. Why do you think you a...ll feel better after you donate $10 to the Red Cross after a major catastrophe? Because you feel like you helped people in need. Donating money can give you some short term happiness, but will not make you feel better long term. Donating time on the other hand may be a key to long term happiness. I practice this, and recommend everyone does in some capacity.

We have skills or knowledge that can benefit others. Coach sports, work on the parent teacher organization at school, help co-workers in need. These are things you can do that will make others feel good about you and make you feel good about yourself. Not only should you do this but do it and expect nothing in return other than the feeling of having done something good for someone else.

This also builds what is known as good karma. Karma means: The results of a person’s actions. Typically good actions bring good things to you. So practice this, do something good for someone else not because you have to but because you want to. Remember giving will actually make you feel good too!